Do you recall this scenario, that first time sitting in front of a computer screen looking at a Ukrainian dating site and seeing all the unbelievably gorgeous women apparently available to you, right here, right now? You shook your head in wonder, disbelieving such a situation could possibly happen to so many beautiful girls.  Go on, admit it, you did exactly that didn’t you!  And you thought to yourself, why, how is it possible that all these girls aren’t already taken?  Is she crazy perhaps, or maybe she is just like you . . . unlucky.

The second reason there is probably closest to the truth, okay, probably she is NOT just like you but regardless of her culture, her country, she could simply be one of the unlucky ones. There are many other reasons and understanding why might just help you to find the way into her heart, and for her to find yours!

#1 Beauty is NOT the exception!

Men here are used to dating beauties and a woman has to make more effort to be exceptional. Often, she needs to be overtly smart and caring in order to attract a partner. Outstanding looks is not a superpower among Slavs. Many women here have long, healthy hair, a slim but curvaceous body, and stunning eyes. Looks alone do not make them unique.

Men here understand that a wife is not only for looks. They search for a lady who was brought up in a decent family, one who is ready to raise their child, be loyal and supportive of her husband and be a good housekeeper. A man can meet dozens of cute girls just walking down the streets of resort cities such as Odessa or Nikolaev, and all the other cities of Ukraine.

#2 Demographics

In China, there are significantly more men than women, therefore, men must invest a lot of time and money to find love. A Chinese lady can easily reject a man simply because he doesn’t give her expensive gifts or has a home that does not suit her taste.

Contrasting that, in Slavic countries, the statistics do not favor the women.  There are a few percent more girls than guys and they tend to be congregated in certain areas. Some girls don’t have a partner simply because there are no available, single guys in their area. Also, as age increases, there are fewer and fewer suitable candidates, because men who want to find a wife, usually find one quickly.

#3 Psychology

In previous generations, people married during or very soon after finishing university. Many marriages ended in divorce soon after the birth of a child. Almost always, the mother keeps the child(ren). If a girl is raised by a single mother, with no brothers or uncles, she may have a poor attitude towards men or simply don’t know how to act around them.

These days, both women and men are more cautious about marriage and choosing a partner. Girls try to find a decent husband before they turn 25. In many of the local cultures, they are considered an old maid after that. Many go on to higher education because the university environment gives them more contact with the opposite sex and increases their chances of getting married. However, because of (understandably) high expectations for a potential mate, some ladies wait for a “prince” well into their 30s.

#4 Short-lived Relationships

People here get married when they are ready to have children. Just like in the west, many couples live together for only a few years while the child is small, sometimes even after the love (lust?) has faded. Technically, they are (and act) single. They may still love each other, but usually, such relationships end in 3-5 years.

Sometimes, the ironic situation happens, when couples date for several years, get married, and then divorce in a year or less due to irreconcilable differences. Their hope that marriage would be the saviour of the relationship are just as misplaced as anywhere else in the world.


Keep all this in mind when seeing Ukrainian woman on a reputable dating site. There’s no need to be surprised that so many attractive women have no partner. Don’t hesitate to speak to them. Yes of course there may be some that are a little crazy but then again, she may turn out to be perfect wife material who was just like you, unlucky in love.

Things have turned around, because now she’s met you. So, what are you waiting for?

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